Movie Day

  On Sunday afternoon, August 20, 2017, members brought their favorite DVDs to a movie day, where the favorite was selected to view. We had 11 enjoy “Miss Austen Regrets” in one of the Sagewood Senior Living Center theaters.

Board Retreat

Members of the Board were hosted in the cool pines of Mormon Lake by the Hesleys and the Heils for a planning retreat on the weekend of July 21-23, 2017.  ...

Janeites at Play

  On Thursday, June 22, 2017, 27 lively dancers stepped to the music of Ladies at Play, at the Irish Cultural Center. Caller was Bob Green, from MIssouri. Ladies at Play area high-spirited and musically adventurous contra dance and English country dance band from...

Box Hill Picnic

  On Saturday, May 20, 2017, 12 members enjoyed English verdure, English culture, and English comfort at a Box Hill Picnic at the lovely estate of Perry & Carole Krowne, Lake Montezuma. Welcome, Janeites: Janet, Peg Hesley, Judy Shappee, Joyce Howell,...

Emma Book Discussion

  On Saturday, May 13, 2017, more than 20 Austen aficionados met at Changing Hands Bookstore, Tempe, for a discussion of Emma, led by Renée Frost, and readings from the text by Diane Gorham and Sylvia Hom.